To become accredited:
Firstly you need to understand the word Accredited. Click here!
Explaining the different types of accreditation.
1) Freelancers and Qualified Staff
2) Become an Accredited Training Provider
1.Freelancers and Qualified Staff.
- To be able to facilitate any programme you must have the US 117871 “Train the Trainer” Certificate (at least NQF 5 level) approved through the ETDP SETA.
- To be able to assess any learner (with seta work) you must have the US 115753 “Conduct Assessments” Certificate (at least NQF 5 level) approved through the ETDP SETA.
- To be able to moderate assessments you must have US 115753 + US 115759 “Conduct Moderation” Certificate (at least NQF 6 level) approved through the ETDP SETA.
- You must have “scope” to train, assess or moderate any person. (Scope = two to three years practical experience or a certificate or higher in the specific field)
- Freelancers can register on their own or contracting with Training Companies. Many Training Companies make use of qualified Freelancers to deliver their services.
2.Become and Accredited Training Provider.
- You must have at least one programme with that SETA Accredited in order to be an Accredited Training Provider
- You need at least two different facilitators to offer each programme you want to offer + have “Scope” to train this. (US 117871 – Train the Trainer Certificates)
- You need at least two different assessors to assess each programme you want to offer + have “Scope” to assess this. (US 115753 – Conduct Assessment Certificate)
- You need at least two different moderators to moderate each programme you want to offer + have “Scope” to moderate this. (Us 115753 – Conduct Moderation Certificate) – Must obtain the Assessors Certificate before you can complete this programme.
- The same facilitator and assessors can train and assess the same learner, but the moderator must be a different person.
- Many companies get 2 x Facilitators and 2 x Assessors qualified and contract one of the Freelancers to perform the Moderation work.
- The process to become an accredited also required resources for example: Office, Qualified Staff, Computers, Tools or Venue to deliver the courses and a QMS policy. (Quality Management System that can consist out of 6 to 12 different policies that explains how you will corporate)
- Be registered with the DHET.
Personal Advice
We advice all new learners/people to start with the “US 115753” Conduct Assessment programme as this will provide you with an overview of the entire accreditation process.