What is the difference between a Qualification and a learning programme?
Qualifications and Unit Standards, governed by the NSB regulations and developed by expert stakeholder groupings, prescribe the outcomes, assessment criteria and other relevant detail for learner achievement. These guide the educator/assessor with regard to what the learner needs to know, do and apply.
A learning programme consists of learning and assessment activities derived from the outcomes that make up the Qualification. This is what the provider designs, based on sound educational principles (for example, learner-centredness). This manual offers a systematic way of planning learning and assessment activities that will assist the learner to achieve the desired knowledge, skills, applications and attitudes.
The learning programme is really the what, the when and the how of implementation. It is about what happens in the classroom: the teaching/ learning and assessment activities associated with achieving outcomes. It is clearly the task of providers to structure exciting, challenging and innovative learning and assessment experiences for learners, while it is the job of the ETQA to consider whether providers have offered learners a fair opportunity to acquire the outcomes by monitoring the learning programme and quality assuring the learning achievement.