TrainYouCan elearning Accredited Courses
The TrainYouCan elearning platform offers you access to a wide variety of registered and credit bearing short courses as well as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) training courses for professionals. In future more of our courses will be offered on the TrainYouCan elearning platform to make learning accessible to all South Africans.
Comparing eLearning to traditional education methods is like comparing e-book formats to paper books. Just like digital texts can’t replace the authenticity of a real book, eLearning can’t replace full-scale education. However, it is always available as long as you have your digital device with you, and thus, it’s more convenient.
We use eLearning daily to develop ourselves as individuals. We read articles, watch YouTube videos, and play games to exercise our brains on our smartphones. Businesses, from small startups to enterprises, also utilize eLearning to train employees and help with internal processes. But wouldn’t you like to know how it all started?
Originally posted 2021-08-13 13:21:45. Republished by Blog Post Promoter